Apontar e falar

Titel Englisch

Pointing and Calling


8 Minuten


The video shows the application of the Japanese technique called Shisa Kanko, with intend to reduce errors in routine tasks. In our company the technique focus in reduce labor accidents during railroad routine procedures. The technique is based in deliberated act of pain attention to the environment to make sure is safe to do the next move.

Ziel und Zweck

The main message of the video is present the Shisa Kanko technique and show how to use it in daily activates.

The video shows work place images and employees using the Shisa Kanko technique on their routine activities.


Railroad employees



Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

Rumo Logística
Rua Emilio Bertolini, nº 100 - Cajuru , Brazil-82290-030 Curitiba
+554121413698 - +5541988779680+554121413698 http://rumolog.com