  • M-66_002.mp4

Atividades criticas nos Serviços Compartilhados

Titel Englisch

Critical activities at shared services


46min - total of four medias Minuten


Four DVDs were developed on the following themes: work of height, confined space, work on electricity and cargo-handling operations, based on historical accidents in the company in the last five years and the characteristics of the type of services provided by Shared Services at Petrobras. In each theme were detailed the duties and responsibilities of supervisors and contract inspectors and the information considered relevant for prevention of occupational accidents. Each media sensitize people about the risks of critical activities in addition to enable supervisors and contract inspectors in minimum security requirements applicable to such activities.

Ziel und Zweck

To ensure that all safety requirements inherent critical activities, particularly activities that involve work of height, confined space, work on electricity and cargo-handling operations are considered in the stages of planning and inspection services.

As the target group is made of people with different levels of knowledge we thought a product multimedia would favor understanding through playful use of language and text messages.


Employees that participate in the stages of planning and inspection of activities considered critical in Shared Services at Petrobras. Critical activities involve high potential to cause serious harm to physical integrity of workers.

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS
Av. Republica do Chile65, Brazil-20031-912 Rio de Janeiro

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

Petroleo Brasileiro S. A. - PETROBRAS
Av. Republica do Chile65, Brasil-20031912 Rio de Janeiro
+55(21)32249988+55(21)32240361 www.petrobras.com.br