De la vigne à la cave: Grand Cru Prévention

Titel Englisch

From the vine to the cellar: Great prevention vintage


60:25 Minuten


This DVD shows the major steps of wine growing: the size of the vineyard, the cutting, the disbudding and the harvesting. Each season has its working techniques, its tools, its equipment but also its risks and prevention measures.

Ziel und Zweck

The arrival of an employee or of seasonal staff is a key moment for a vineyard. The reception is a challenge for the company in order to make a season succeed. The new employee doesn’t know them and it’s the employer’s responsibility to explain everything to him so that he finds his place in the vineyard and is able to perform a successful job, develop competences and eventually find his professional role.

Establishment of a multimedia tool type DVD/Blu-Ray in order to accompany the reception guide of the seasonal employees in winegrowing. Request of professional employment agencies, integration companies but also prevention advisors and occupational doctors in order to provide educational support for accompanying this guide.


The seasonal wine workers (especially the new recruits) and the winegrowers


"Jury award" at the Rencontres Villermé (festival du film la santé au travail) in Montpellier in March 2013 and "Special mention education 2013" at the international festival Oenovidéo 2013

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

CCMSA Image & Evénementiel
Rue Jean Jaurès40 - Les Mercuriales , France-93547 Bagnolet

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

CCMSA Image & Evénementiel
Jean Jaurès40 - Les Mercuriales , France-93547 Bagnolet