Entrena tu conciencia, Capacidad Manual

Titel Englisch

Train your awareness, manual skills


1:05 Minuten



The story unfolds demonstrating one of the core capabilities that car drivers should have: manual skills. The protagonist is a young person who drives a car and to be connected he is telephoning. The viewer sees him in a series of distractions that endangers his life, other drivers and pedestrians.

Ziel und Zweck

If you loose your manual skills you may lose your way, control and your life.

Every car accident, regardless of cause, affects many people who are directly or indirectly involved. Based on this message we wanted to guide our campaign and especially this video to show how the use of cell phone and distractions whilst driving endanger the life of the driver, its passengers and pedestrians.


Man and women between 18 and 35 years who drive a car

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

Liberty Seguros S.A
, Colombia-11001 Bogotá
+5713103300 www.intelygente.net

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

Intelygente SAS
, Colombia-11001 Bogotá
+5715209120 www.intelygente.net