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No te distraigas

Titel Englisch

Do not get distracted





This video seeks to raise awareness among our drivers about the most complex challenge facing road safety worldwide today, which is the distractions caused by the use of mobile phones. This video shows in a playful way, that every time a driver picks up a mobile phone or looks at it, it is as if no one is driving.

Ziel und Zweck

This audio-visual product is designed to help our drivers minimise the use of mobile phones while driving and understand the risks that this technology currently poses.


Junge Beschäftigte, Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte, Expert*innen für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit, Sonstiges (bitte angeben)


Recognized by "Mutualidades de Chile" (private non-profit insurance institutions)

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

Av JORGE Alessandri 10700 san bernardo - Santiago Chile , Chile-8320000 Santiago
+56975680914 - +56975680914