Atex. Survenue d’une explosion

Titel Englisch

Explosive atmospheres and how explosions occur


03:18 Minuten


Any company storing or using combustible or flammable products is at risk of an explosion due to an explosive atmosphere known as Atex. This animated film aims to raise awareness among employees working in Atex environments (dust, gas or vapors) and explains how an Atex explosions occurs, presenting the six conditions necessary to trigger an explosion (known as the explosion hexagon). Direction and production: Réactive Production

Ziel und Zweck

-Raise awareness among employees about the risks of explosion and its prevention in their work environment, as many are not aware of the danger.
-Help them to pass on the information about the identification of explosion risks and bring prevention measures to their company.


Junge Beschäftigte

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

65 boulevard Richard Lenoir., France-75011 Paris
+33 1 40 44 30 20 - +33 6 60 16 76 98