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Un accident du travail peut être ... évité! (Industrie)

Titel Englisch

A work-related accident can be avoided!


00:29 Minuten



The concept of this campaign is to list the consequences of a work-related accident in three exemplary sectors: construction, industry and administration. The spots are suggestive and explain the aim of VISION ZERO: “A work-related accident can be avoided, together, through a culture of prevention.”

Ziel und Zweck

The launch of the cross-media campaign in autumn 2021 is intended to encourage the various actors concerned to commit themselves to occupational health and safety. The campaign targets each sector of economic activity to achieve the national objective of reducing the national frequency rate of work-related accidents by 20%. The aim is also to increase the number of companies adhering to the VISION ZERO by encouraging companies to implement all the measures required to improve health and safety at work and to increase their visibility through various media.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte, Expert*innen für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit


Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

Association d'assurance accident
125, route d'Esch, Luxembourg-l-1471 Luxembourg