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Food Trucks and Propane Safety: Hazards on the Move

Titel Englisch

Food Trucks and Propane Safety: Hazards on the Move


1 Minuten



Food trucks primarily use propane to fuel cooking equipment. This equipment poses a risk because it could leak and create fires and explosions, which could result in severe burns and fatalities. This educational video was shared via social media to provide proper safety guidance on propane use.

Ziel und Zweck

The objective is to educate food truck operators on the risk of propane use, as well as practicable control options to prevent fires and explosions.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Sonstiges (bitte angeben) : Film industry catering operators


Food truck and propane safety campaign

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

6951 Westminster Hwy, Canada-V7C 1C6 Richmond