Introducing and Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Culture for the Sustainability of MSMEs
Titel Englisch
Introducing and Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Culture for the Sustainability of MSMEs
3 minutes 30 seconds Minuten
A story from MSME in Yogyakarta, Indonesia able to adapt COVID-19 safe measures within the business operations and innovate through service that would allow the business to further enhance their safety measures and sustain the business.
Ziel und Zweck
ILO Jakarta through the Enhancing COVID-19 Prevention at and through Workplaces Project intended to produce a high quality, convincing, and extremely engaging story video on the project impacts from the perspective of project’s beneficiaries. The beneficiaries had received a support from the project through improvement on the COVID-19 risk management at the workplace and the importance of OSH management even in MSME industry. The video represents ILO’s Safety + Health for All flagship program that offers a tailored set of interventions to address the immediate and longer-term safety and health needs of constituents.
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Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Expert*innen für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit
Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma
Menara Thamrin Building 22nd Floor, Jalan MH Thamrin Kav. 3, Jakarta, Indonesia-10250 Jakarta