Et après...

Titel Englisch

And after...


03.20 Minuten


A man rings at the doorbell of a family. A woman opens the door. He visits his work colleague who hurt his arm in an occupational accident. They say that they were not vigilant enough. But the accident could have been worse. Noises of an accident. The same man rings at the same door. The same woman opens the door. He visits his work colleague who has suffered from an occupational accident and is now sitting in a wheelchair. It will never be the same again on the construction site... But the accident could have been worse. The same noises of an accident. The same man rings at the same door. The same woman opens the door. Her husband is no longer there… and she does not recover from the loss. It could all have been prevented... The same noises of an accident. The same man rings at the same door. His friend opens the door, smiling and holding his child. They sit down with the whole family. They love their work on construction sites because they know what is important on a construction site...

Ziel und Zweck

The aim is to show that the same riscy work situation can have different conclusions, depending on the actions and the behaviour of its protagonist.

This film is used to introduce a vocational training entitled "Managing the Safety – Partners" for our partners. Between 2013 and 2015, Dodin Campenon Bernard has provided the training "Managing the Safety of his VINCI construction group" for managers as well as for team leaders. This training was very successful and, directly with our management and indirectly with our partners, it has contributed to raising the safety culture level of our company. In 2016, we wanted to extend the spirit of this training in order to directly act on our partners. We wanted them to better perceive the risks of their work situations. Instead of accepting it, they should modify their behaviour accordingly. This film was made by the company My-Serious-Game.


Personnel ouvrier travaillant dans le secteur de la construction

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

Dodin Campenon Bernard
rue Ernest Flammarion9 - ZAC du Petit Le Roy , France-94550 Chevilly-Larue

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

Dodin Campenon Bernard
rue Ernest Flammarion9 - ZAC du Petit Le Roy , France-94550 Chevilly-Larue