Titel Englisch
18:29 Minuten
Concrete examples from six branches (port, comission, office, scrap yard, car workshop, delivery service) are simply explained and demonstrated.
Ziel und Zweck
Richtiges Heben und Tragen ist wichtig und nicht schwer!
Muskel- und Skeleterkrankungen sind weit verbreitet und führen zu großem menschlichen Leid und zu Arbeitsausfällen
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.6
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.7
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.5
- Folder AUVA-Arbeitsstoffverzeichnis
- Travel Planner
- "Echt jetzt?!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- "Bleib sauber!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- Beileger zur "Echt jetzt?!" und "Bleib sauber!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- Pressemitteilung CO2-Timer
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.3
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.4
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.8
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.9
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.10
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.11
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.12
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.13
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.1
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.3
- 1_WISOM_Flyeransicht_ohne DEKRA.pdf
- Pasos para gestionar un casi casi
- Casi-casi
- Casi Casi APP
- Prevención cáncel de piel.
- Audiometrías
- Control agudeza
- Control Cardiovascular
- Control signos vitales
- Oxigeno
- Usando los EPPs continuamos Conectados con la vida
- Wellbeing League Stories
- Basic guidelines for the safe use of equipment for working at height: ladders, scaffolding and mobile elevating personnel platfo
- Erine, l'autre moi
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
An konkreten Beispielen aus sechs Branchen (Hafen, Kommissionierung, Büro, Schrottplatz, Kfz-Werkstatt, Zustellservice) werden richtiges HEben und Tragen einfach erklärt und demonstriert.
Kampagne ist beendet
Denk an mich. Dein Rücken.
Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers
BGHW Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik
Niebuhrstrasse5, Germany-D-53113 Bonn
w.dworschak@bghw.de bghw.de
Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma
baeumler film & medien
Finkenweg 3, Germany-D-95680 Bad Alexandersbad