Recorriendo la sucursal (lenguaje de señas)

Titel Englisch

Recourse to subsidiaries (sign language)


45 Minuten


The story demonstrates situations of real life in a bank´s branch and shows the main risks and the preventive measures.

Ziel und Zweck

Control of occupational health and safety risks in the bank sector

The video is produced as teaching material and can be used in training sessions covering a broad range of topics, and includes sign language for hearing impaired people.


Employees of Bank Branch, joint committees, professionals for risk prevention

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

Mutual de Seguridad CChC
Alameda4850, Chile-7251424 Santiago

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

Mutual de Seguridad CChC
Alameda4850, Chile-7251424 Santiago