Napo in... robots at work

Title translated into English

Napo in... robots at work

Film: Duration in minutes

4' 51" minutes

Product description

This film provides an introduction to workplace robotics safety, and describes some of the emerging robotic technologies, the types of accidents associated with robotics, the main hazards and how they can be controlled.

Production line workers are at the greatest risk, followed by maintenance workers. Poor workplace design and human error cause most injuries.

Advances in automation technologies including fixed robots, collaborative and mobile robots, and exoskeletons have the potential to improve work conditions but also to introduce workplace hazards in manufacturing workplaces

Aims and objectives

To raise awareness of the risks and hazards working with robots and robotics.

Target audience

Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists



Contact details Editor / Production company

Napo Consortium
27 Bath Wood Close - Highgrove Park , United Kingdom-L40 7AF Ormskirk
+441695575644 - +447971215165