
Title translated into English


Film: Duration in minutes

00:00:42 minutes

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

The core message of the prevention film is to always be prepared for anything when driving on country roads and to adjust one’s driving behavior accordingly. This message is conveyed with the help of a humorously exaggerated portrayal of what could be expected on country roads. To this end, the figure of a knight is integrated who suddenly appears in an attempted overtaking maneuver on the oncoming lane. Through the unexpected and the whimsical and surreal exaggeration attention is firmly held and the message will be embedded in the minds of the viewers. The message is clear: expect anything on country roads.

Aims and objectives

In 2021, 1,498 people died in traffic accidents on country roads in Germany, almost twice as many as in built-up areas and even five times as many as on highways. In addition, around 22,000 people were severely injured. The severity of accidents on country roads is much higher than on other roads: "Only" a quarter of all accidents in 2021 happened on country roads but around 60 per cent of all traffic fatalities in Germany occurred on country roads. Particularly collisions with the oncoming traffic have a high accident severity. In 2021 alone, there were 4,573 accidents on German country roads due to errors when overtaking. The prevention film "Duel" is part of the country road campaign "Drive safely!" by the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and will encourage drivers to drive more carefully and to reduce the accident figures on country roads. The spot was played in 2022 in the commercial breaks in around 1,380 German cinemas and reached more than 516,000 moviegoers. In addition, in a shortened version, the prevention spot generated over 18 million impressions on digital platforms.

Target audience

Other (please specify) : Alle Fahrenden auf Landstraßen


Prevention campaign

Contact details Editor

Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR)
Jägerstraße 67 - 69, Germany-10117 Berlin
+49 (0)30 226677142 - +49 (0)151 14124435 https://www.dvr.de

Contact details Production company

Scholz & Friends Berlin GmbH
Litfaß-Platz 1, de-10178 Berlin
+4930700186748+491721846093 https://www.s-f.family