Wintershall Dea Deutschland: HSEQ image film

Title translated into English

Wintershall Dea Deutschland: HSEQ image film

Film: Duration in minutes

3 minutes

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

Wintershall Dea Deutschland has shot an HSEQ image film. For this we filmed at three locations (Barnstorf, Langwedel, Hamburg) over the course of three days. It developed into a very human and personal video that shows why we prioritize occupational safety every day - namely to protect the health of our colleagues so that everyone can pursue and live their dreams throughout their lives. In this video, Wintershall Dea employees from BU Germany talk about their personal dreams in life and what is important to them, recorded from 6 to 8 December 2022 in Germany.

Aims and objectives

HSEQ image film to demonstrate the high value of occupational safety.

Target audience

Young workers

Contact details Editor

Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH
Überseering 40, Germany-22297 Hamburg

Contact details Production company

mmpro media AG
Fidicinstraße 3, -10965 Berlin