Title translated into English

I drive well

Product submission URL (http:// or https://)

Product description

Hello everyone, my name is Celedonio and I am here to remind you of the road safety rules that every driver must apply. Let's remember that we are all road users.

Aims and objectives

To promote the application of road safety rules in drivers, generating awareness transformation towards defensive driving and the prevention of traffic accidents, using art and games as a tool to facilitate the introduction of concepts.

Target audience

Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Other (please specify) : conductores


The company R.S.O. S.A. has received the following awards: Innovators of Santander, Coomeva award, best video Mapfre Foundation.

Contact details Editor / Production company

Compañia R.S.O. S.A.
Calle 54 # 27 - 37 apto 1101 - Carrera 33 # 52 - 83 , Colombia-680003 Bucaramanga
+57 607 6577755 - +57 3188269884