Pausas Activas CEDAL

Title translated into English

Active Pauses CEDAL

Film: Duration in minutes

07.06 minutes

Product description

Video that instructs the employees, both administrative and operational, to maintain good OSH practices using functional tools to mitigate the risks of each job. The video offers a series of stretching exercises and muscular relaxation for every time within the working day, in order to prevent professional illness and / or personal injury caused by ergonomic risk.

Aims and objectives

Prevention of possible occupational diseases with the use of active breaks within the working day. The benefits of stopping the normal work to perform stretching exercises and muscle relaxation are very helpful for the health of the employees of the CEDAL company.

To make CEDAL employees aware of the benefits that the practice of muscular relaxation exercises during work hours can offer to their health. The aim is to prevent injuries and work diseases due to the ergonomic risk that exists in each workplace and this way maintain a productive personell.

Target audience

Internal operators and administrative employees of the Cedal company

Contact details Editor

Corporación Ecuatoriana de Aluminio S.A Cedal
Av. De La Prensa y FloridaN51-270, Ecuador-170512 Quito

Contact details Production company

Corporación Ecuatoriana de Aluminio S.A. Cedal
Av. De La Prensa y FloridaN51-270, Ecuador-EC170104 Quito