KANelot online - das Spiel: Von der Idee zur Norm
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KANelot online - the game: from the idea to the standard
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Descripción del producto
The game conveys the formal processes of standardization in a fun way. The players accompany KANelot's work safety knights and ladies on their way from the idea up to the harmonized standards. Thereby they also gain valuable insights into the pocess of standardization: what should be observed when applying for a standardization application? What is the role of the informal exchange in coffee breaks? Who helps with the translation of technical terms such as buckle adjustment screw?
Objetivos y metas
Technical standards set safety-relevant requirements in many areas, for example in work equipment and in testing and measurement procedures. Norms make an important contribution to avoid accidents and illnesses. It is especially helpful for occupational health and safety professionals to know the processes of standardization. Only this way you can make optimal use of the potential influence of the formation process of a norm.
The Commission for Occupational Safety and Standardization (KAN) developed the game KANelot in 2015. The aim of this game is to communicate the standardization process and the influence of occupational health and safety in a playful way. An accompanying booklet, illustrated by cartoonist Michael Hüter, provides useful information for each stage. In order to use the game as an e-learning tool, another version was developed in 2016.
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Público objetivo
Occupational safety experts, who employ the norms.
Datos de contacto del editor
Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung (KAN) - Geschäftsstelle
Alte Heerstraße111, Deutschland-53757 Sankt Augustin
vonrymonlipinski@kan.de www.kan.de
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung (KAN) - Geschäftsstelle
Alte Heerstraße111, Deutschland-53757 Sankt Augustin