EPI: Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

Título traducido al inglés

EPI: Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

Película: Duración en minutos

3 minutos

Descripción del producto

"EPI" exposes some mental and emotional health hazards in the workplace. She works in a poor working environment with excessive workloads and an organisational culture that enables negative behaviours and fosters discrimination and exclusion, all of which can undermine mental health. Indicators for the potential presence of those hazards are presenteeism, safety incidents, negative behaviors, and performance issues. A reluctance to seek Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and a lack of understanding by coworkers and bosses eventually turn into a new tragedy.

Objetivos y metas

Today’s employees have a lot to be stressed about. Employee assistance programs (EAPs) have often been demonstrated to be a valuable resource for enhancing employees’ quality of life and increasing work performance; nonetheless, EAPs have historically been underutilized by employees. BPJS Kesehatan hopes to promote mental and emotional health concerns in the workplace by raising awareness, improving understanding, and encouraging positive behaviour changes with this short film. Don’t wait until your battery dies! Charge ASAP with your organisation’s EAP.

Público objetivo

Trabajadores jóvenes

Premios recibidos


Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

BPJS Kesehatan
Jl. Letjen Suprapto Kav. 20 No. 14, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta - Corpu BPJS Kesehatan, Jl. Raya Puncak km. 84 no. 14 , Indonesia-10510 Jakarta
+628118505406 https://bpjs-kesehatan.go.id