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Abgelenkt? ... bleib auf Kurs!

Título traducido al inglés

Distracted? ... Remain on track!

Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)

Descripción del producto

The platform www.abgelenkt.info includes media that can be download, movies, a raffle on "distraction" and training materials for corporate instructions on road safety.

Objetivos y metas

The objective is to address all insured, all sizes of enterprises and all industrial sectors with the topic road safety; educate about risks and raise awareness about the issue. Message: distracted driving can lead to serious accidents. Full concentration is needed on the road at all times.

The UK/BG/DVR key action is a joint action with annual varying topics on road safety and shall serve as instrument of public relations to strengthen the contact between the DVR-Unfallkassen/Berufsgenossenschaften-enterprises and insured- and result in more networking on the topic road safety.

Público objetivo

The homepage www.abgelenkt.info wants to reach all insured persons of accident insurances or professional associations (approximately 60 million people).

Datos de contacto del editor

Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat – DVR
Auguststraße29, Germany-53229 Bonn

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

sw media
Nünningstraße6 - Gesellschaft für Kommuniaktion und elektronische Medien mbh , Germany-45141 Essen
+49(0)20121810+49(0)201216915 www.sw-media.de