
Título traducido al inglés


Película: Duración en minutos

0:30 minutos

Descripción del producto

This film “Assumptions” is about a boss or supervisor plagued by his conscience because of a work incident that left his employee badly injured from falling off the ladder. The twist at the end of the film reveals who the kid actually was and why the man carries a sense of guilt.

Objetivos y metas

The film kickstart with a “I thought..." phrase to show the assumptions made by either the accident victim or a colleague. The sign-off message of the film, “Stop the Assumptions. Stop Work Accidents” serves to remind employers and employees not to make assumptions as they can result in injuries when work risks are not well managed.

The medium is chosen for communications to the general masses on tv and website.

Público objetivo

Workers, safety professionals, and members of the public.

Datos de contacto del editor

Workplace Safety and Health Council – WSHC, MOM Services Centre
Bendemeer Road1500, Singapore-339946 Singapore

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Grey Group
1 Magazine Rd#03-07, Singapore-059567 Singapore