Burnout einfach erklärt (explainity® Erklärvideo)
Título traducido al inglés
Burnout easily explained (by explainity®)
Película: Duración en minutos
04:16 minutos
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Descripción del producto
This video explains the causes and symptoms of a "burnout". According to the study of a large health insurance company, many people suffer from this syndrome. The illness-related burnout breakdowns has increased by 80% from 1999 to 2011. More about this in our video "Burnout simply explained". The video has been reproduced on the platform more than 15,000 times in less than one year, which underlines the importance of this topic.
Objetivos y metas
The video is intended to sensitize and draw attention to the relatively new phenomenon of "burnout". It is meant to encourage more attentiveness and increase self-reflection.
The video was created as part of the non-commercial and independent explainity education project. Every first Monday of the month, we create an "explaination education clip" on a topic from the fields of society, business and politics. We then make the explanatory videos available to the general public free of charge on YouTube. The explaining videos of the "explainity education project" have now found their way into education in general and vocational schools and have become an integral part of teaching. Most of the topics come directly from our users, who suggest their desired themes through the social networks.
Público objetivo
All audiences
Datos de contacto del editor
explainity GmbH
Am Berge36, Deutschland-21335 Lüneburg
andreas@explainity.com www.explainity.com
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
explainity GmbH
Am Berge36, Deutschland-21335 Lüneburg