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Película: Duración en minutos

09:46 minutos

Descripción del producto

Historical review on the beginning of the social security legislation and the circumstances that led to it: In the 19th century, the rapidly increasing industrialization across Europe created completely new work areas - and led to extreme social and political tensions. The first step towards social protection was made in Austria in 1887 with the law "accident insurance for workers".

Objetivos y metas

A short atmospheric insight into the historical era of industrialization in Europe - moods, expectations and the hard working conditions beyond fanciful idyll and utopia. Pointing out to legal requirements for the solving of the 'social question' - that led to enormous tensions in Europe in the 19th century.

Historical review on the beginning of the social security legislation in Austria and the circumstances that led to it.

Público objetivo

External: general audience at public events, use in school teaching / Internal: company information to strengthen the corporate identity

Datos de contacto del editor

AUVA-Hauptstelle, Abt.: Sicherheitsmarketing, Presse
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße65, Austria-1200 Wien
+4359393-22906 www.auva.at

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

aquamarin doc. films
Gerbergasse20, Austria-2000 Stockerau
+43226662444 Homepage