Day of Mourning 2020 - Videos
Título traducido al inglés
Day of Mourning 2020 - Videos
Película: Duración en minutos
3:07 minutos
Descripción del producto
The following were stories played online and on television of real people who have died from work-related injuries and illnesses.
Objetivos y metas
On April 28th, join us in remembering people who died, were injured, or suffered illness because of work.
In 1984, the Canadian Labour Congress established April 28th as the National Day of Mourning in Canada to remember and honour those who have died, been injured or suffered illness in the workplace. Each year we recognize the day by remembering those who have suffered a work related injury or illness, and encouraging people to rededicate themselves to workplace safety.
Público objetivo
Everyone who has a job or family member who works in Ontario
Multi-channel marketing campaign
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Ontario (WSIB)
200 Front Street West, Canada-M5V 3J1 Toronto