Denk an mich. Dein Rücken

Título traducido al inglés

Think of me. Your back

Película: Duración en minutos

18 Min.; short version 4:55 Min. minutos

Descripción del producto

Several employees are shown in everyday activities like lifting and carrying in office, warehouse, scrap trading, beverage delivery, department store, auto repair shop and harbor. They shall participate in a seminar of the BG on the topic safe lifting and carrying. Without showing scenes from the seminar three key messages with regard to the different activities are shown. With a simple model (cheeseburger) a discription of the function of the vertebral disc and spine is given.

Objetivos y metas

Objective: encourage correct lifting and carrying Message: it isn´t that difficult to lift and carry safely 3 key elements: ensure a firm stand/stability, straight back and get close to the heavy load.

On the occasion of the BGHW campaign "Think of me. Your back." The key elements are presented in a practical way with examples of the branches of the BGHW (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for trade and distribution industry)

Público objetivo

All employees

Datos de contacto del editor

Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warendistribution – BGHW
Niebuhrstrasse5, Germany-53113 Bonn

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

baeumler film + tv
Finkenweg3, Germany-095680 Bad Alexandersbad