Ensemble la vie continue - Une journée en EHPAD
Título traducido al inglés
Life continues together - A day in a retirement home
Película: Duración en minutos
15:30 minutos
Descripción del producto
A young woman discovers that her mother's clothing has been shrunk. She approaches a nurse, who continues towards the room of a resident who requires assistance. The priorities aren't always what one expects. In a retiement home, the employees work in consecutive shifts so that at any time, night or day, the residents receive individual care.
Objetivos y metas
Discovering everyday life of a retirement home, taking care and organising the medical care of elderly people, the role of different participants in assisting elderly people. Allowing a better understanding of the activities of different parties in order to limit confrontational situations between the families and the facility staff.
Allowing an exchange with a new employee within the framework of training the facility staff. Allowing a dialogue with the family of a person entering a retirement home.
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Público objetivo
Staff of retirement homes (EHPADs: Establishments of Accommodation for Dependent Old Persons)
Datos de contacto del editor
Carsat Alsace-Moselle
rue Adolphe Seyboth14, France-67000 STRASBOURG
33(0)33388143300 georges.lischetti@carsat-am.fr www.carsat-alsacemoselle.fr
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Carsat Alsace-Moselle
rue Adolphe Seyboth14, France-67000 Strasbourg
+33(0)33388143300 georges.lischetti@carsat-am.fr