Löffler Unterweisungsclip
Título traducido al inglés
Löffler Instruction Clip
Película: Duración en minutos
05:19 minutos
Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)
Descripción del producto
The film is about a stressed employee. He puts himself constantly under pressure and regularly works overtime. The stress wears him down physically and mentally.
Objetivos y metas
The film is intended to show possible solutions for stress. Solutions are to take regular breaks, to ask for help, to stay in contact with colleagues and to write feasible to-do lists. The film visualizes this in a clear and amusing way.
Público objetivo
Trabajadores jóvenes
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
feinfilm Hassepaß & Rademacher GbR
Modersohnstraße 60, Germany-10245 Berlin
+49 3020898920 emails@feinfilm.de https://feinfilm.de/