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Country Roads - DVR/UK/BG-Jugendaktion 2022/2023

Título traducido al inglés

Country Roads - DVR/UK/BG Youth Action 2022/2023

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Descripción del producto

The website is currently focusing on the issue of "Hazards on the way to school in rural areas". The website features an interactive design with numerous dynamic elements and offers short, informative videos, cool photo stories and instructive background knowledge. At the same time, the site provides materials for teachers to integrate the aspect of "hazards on routes to school in rural areas" into lower and upper secondary school lessons.

Objetivos y metas

Every year, the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions, the German Social Accident Insurance Funds and the DVR (German Road Safety Council) publish a campaign for young people at the beginning of the school year, so that safety on the way to and from school can be addressed in the school and professional environment. The campaign supports teachers and vocational school teachers in addressing the issue of safety on the way to and from school in their lessons.

Público objetivo

Trabajadores jóvenes

DVR/UK/BG Youth Actions

Datos de contacto del editor

Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR)
Jägerstraße 67-69 - Referatsleiter Unfallprävention - Wege und Dienstwege , Germany-10117 Berlin
+4930226677115 - +491723013363

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

P.AD. Werbeagentur GmbH
Trotzenburg 1, Deutschland-58540 Meinerzhagen
+49 (0) 2354 91 82 0+49 171 3104915