We are Vision Zero

Título traducido al inglés

We are Vision Zero

Película: Duración en minutos

2 minutos

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Descripción del producto

Vision Zero is the driving force behind everything we do at Dräger. We focus on Technology for Life to support our customers on each step of their way to reach their Vision Zero goals. Our employees live the idea of Vision Zero and are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the best results. and to maintaining the highest standards for safety, health and wellbeing. For us Vision Zero is not just a word - for us it is a matter of the heart.

Objetivos y metas

Vision Zero is part of Dräger's dna. With this new video series Dräger likes to give Vision Zero a face and to show Dräger employees around the globe who truly give everything to make Vision Zero happen. More from this series: https://youtu.be/mQ2QznumJCc and https://youtu.be/RLA76AXH6Fw

Público destinatario

Otros (por favor especifique) : Kunden und Freunde von Dräger

Premios recibidos


Datos de contacto del editor

Draeger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Revalstrasse 1, Germany-23560 Luebeck
+494518820 - +4915162442405 http://www.draeger.com

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Holbeinstrasse 29, de-04229 Leipzig
+4934124911984+491635696044 http://www.mediaporta.de