Safe is the only way to be.

Título traducido al inglés

Safe is the only way to be.

Película: Duración en minutos

1:40 minutos

Descripción del producto

The Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK) and the Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers (CYACE) produced the video under the Vision Zero Campaign. Both ETEK and CYACE are partners of Vision Zero, ISSA Campaign. The video communicates clear messages about risk prevention on construction sites. The scenery of the video is set up at a real construction site with the aim to communicate effectively the message that risk prevention is possible. Through this medium, the viewer is engaged with actual day-to-day risks which are likely to occur on a live construction site. The scenario is emphasizing the importance that every worker returns home, safe. The main character is a worker at a construction site. During the first scene, the worker is saying “goodbye” to his young daughter on his way to work. During the first two scenes at the construction site, he is exposed to two hazardous situations of falls from height. In the third scene he exposes to risk members of the public, specifically a mother with her baby while they are passing outside the construction site. At the end of his work shift, the worker returns home and enjoys his dinner with his family, realising the importance of returning home safe. The video is highlighting the proactive approach and the importance that every worker returns home safe. In brief, the main messages from the video are as follows: All people return home safe after work. All people take care of themselves, their colleagues and members of the public. All people work in a safe environment. Safe is the only way to be.

Objetivos y metas

1. Raising public and professionals’ awareness on occupational safety and health issues and accident prevention. 2. Building a strong prevention culture aiming to achieve the vision for zero accidents. 3. Highlighting the consequences of a serious work accident both to the victim and his family. 4. Highlighting the importance of investing in people, education, and the prevention communication. 5. Highlighting the importance of preparation and prevention to avoid accidents. 6. Communicating the message that safety and health at work is everyone's responsibility. 7. Promotion of Cyprus through the participation in the International Media Festival for Prevention Competition.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers - Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber
+35722672866 - +35799413762