De nationale beweegminuut
Título traducido al inglés
The national moving minute
Película: Duración en minutos
1 minutos
Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)
Descripción del producto
We have created a videoclip with two famous Dutch artists in order to stimulate workers to move during their working day. In the videoclip they stimulate workers to stand up and do some simple exercises.
Objetivos y metas
The Netherlands is the European champion of sitting during work. Sitting too much negatively effects your health. In order to make people aware of this health risk and providing them simple tricks to move more during work, we made a funny videoclip. We asked a famous Dutch rapper to make a stimulating rap that would make people want to move.
Público destinatario
Trabajadores jóvenes
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Parnassusplein 5, The Netherlands-2511 VX The Hague
+31652764211 - +31652764211