Connecting Safely
Título traducido al inglés
Connecting Safely
Película: Duración en minutos
2 minutes minutos
Descripción del producto
We developed a safety program identity and narrative called Connecting Safely. This spoke to both the physical safety and wellbeing of employees, partners, and contractors, while also linking to the organisation’s values of ‘We Care’ and ‘We are One Team’. With a comprehensive communication strategy, we identified audience groups, key opportunities for connection, and messaging — and also mapped our campaigns across key topics. The packages included animated video, digital collateral, leader-led toolbox talks, engagement micro-modules, and job aids.
Objetivos y metas
Supporting NBN Co with a purpose-built engagement program for a distributed workforce. For NBN, the desired outcome was to build a repeatable, scalable, and consistent engagement program that would help to: shift to a proactive, rather than reactive safety culture; promote trust among safety leaders, delivery partners, and frontline workers; and, ultimately, reduce incidents and injuries to create safer working environments and interactions every day.
Público destinatario
Otros (por favor especifique) : Frontline workers
Datos de contacto del editor
nbn Co
33/1176 Gold Coast Highway, Australia-4221 Palm Beach
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Everyday Massive
33/1176 Gold Coast Highway, au-4221 Palm Beach