Sæt sikkerheden først på settet

Título traducido al inglés

Put safety first on the set

Película: Duración en minutos

01:00 minutos

Descripción del producto

The commercial "Put safety first on the set" is aimed at crew, cast, and the production management in film and TV productions. The commercial is constructed as a short, humorous sketch that shows what can happen if traffic safety is not taken seriously during a shoot, and why it is important to always put safety first on a set. At the same time, the commercial is an example of how traffic safety can be solved, as green screen technology was used to prevent the two actors in the car from having to drive and act at the same time. The commercial is part of a campaign package including TV commercials, brochures, and a campaign website aimed at the industry.

Objetivos y metas

Film and TV productions often involve dangerous work. BFA Service - Tourism therefore wanted to target a campaign to both production management, crew, and cast, that increases awareness about the importance of always putting safety first on film and TV shoots, and knowledge of the materials for accident prevention. The TV commercial has been broadcast by production companies and featured as advertisements on Facebook, etc., where it has been able to effectively target a large segment of the industry's members. Evaluation has shown that the TV commercial achieved a high degree of likeability and created a high conversion of interest in the form of traffic to the campaign website with the follow-up material.

Público destinatario

Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Otros (por favor especifique) : Crew, cast, and the production management in film and TV productions.


Awareness campaign

Datos de contacto del editor

BFA Service - Turisme
Kampmannsgade 4, Denmark-1790 Copenhagen
+45 88 92 01 43 - +45 24 23 27 51 https://bfa-service.dk

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Informationskontoret ApS
Vesterbrogade 112, dk-1620 Copenhagen
+4538888881+24232751 http://www.informationskontoret.dk