Mind Your Head - ABB PAMA
Título traducido al inglés
Film produced in English
Película: Duración en minutos
9 minutes 31 seconds minutos
Descripción del producto
The mental health side of safety at work. Second film in a six part film-based toolbox talk series designed to keep safety and well being front of mind for workers during the pandemic.
Objetivos y metas
To create greater awareness and understanding of mental health at work. Initiating the discussions that lead to a happier healthy and safe workplace. To show how active kindness makes a world of difference.
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.6
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.7
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.5
- Folder AUVA-Arbeitsstoffverzeichnis
- Travel Planner
- "Echt jetzt?!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- "Bleib sauber!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- Beileger zur "Echt jetzt?!" und "Bleib sauber!" Posterserie zur Arbeitsplatzhygiene
- Pressemitteilung CO2-Timer
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.3
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.4
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.8
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.9
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.10
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.11
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.12
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_1.13
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.1
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.2
- Prevention and health guidelines for the safe driving_3.3
- 1_WISOM_Flyeransicht_ohne DEKRA.pdf
- Pasos para gestionar un casi casi
- Casi-casi
- Casi Casi APP
- Prevención cáncel de piel.
- Audiometrías
- Control agudeza
- Control Cardiovascular
- Control signos vitales
- Oxigeno
- Usando los EPPs continuamos Conectados con la vida
- Wellbeing League Stories
- Basic guidelines for the safe use of equipment for working at height: ladders, scaffolding and mobile elevating personnel platfo
- Erine, l'autre moi
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Award Submission 2023
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Campaign assets
- Speak Up Save Lives App - Radio ad
Público destinatario
Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST, Otros (por favor especifique)
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Lattitude Safety Ltd
Little Firs - Back Lane , United Kingdom-TN21 9QW Rushlake Green
00441435831500 - 00447950433918 ginny@lattitudeproductions.co.uk https://lattitudesafety.co.uk