Säkra personförflyttningar

Título traducido al inglés

Safe patient movement and handling

Película: Duración en minutos

1:07 minutos

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Descripción del producto

To increase awareness of the risks associated with patient handling in healthcare and a newly published research-based guide on safer patient handling, we produced an animated film. The film begins by showing what can happen to healthcare professionals when patients are handled incorrectly, before presenting a solution to this problem - working more systematically and safer with patient handling - and to aid this, there is now the research-based guide - safe patient handling.

Objetivos y metas

The goal of the film was to capture the viewer's interest, describe a problem, and present a solution. The film starts by focusing on the animated characters' faces and you can hear sounds associated with musculoskeletal injuries such as creaking backs and people screaming "ouch" - before moving on to describe the risks associated with patient transfers and then presenting a solution to the problem - working more systematically with patient handling with the help of the newly published research-based guide.

Público destinatario

Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST, Otros (por favor especifique) : Healthcare workers and managers

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise
Norra Slottsgatan 8, Sweden-803 20 Gävle
+4626-14 84 03 - +46773-097 99 08 http://www.sawee.se