PostureAI- Web App für Ergonomie und Prävention

Título traducido al inglés

PostureAI- Web App for Ergonomics and Prevention

Descripción del producto

PostureAI offers a solution for intelligent movement breaks and the ergonomic adjustment of the workplace. With the help of the screen/laptop camera, it is possible for the user to receive direct feedback on the exercise performed using algorithms and artificial intelligence. There are currently 4 different exercises to choose from. Furthermore, the software can be used to analyse the workstation. In this way, every computer workstation can be optimally ergonomically adjusted at any time. Posture AI was developed internally by Porsche. The technology used makes the solution innovative and unique on the market.

Objetivos y metas

Posture AI offers intelligent movement breaks and the ergonomic adjustment of the workplace. The result: positive effects on the ability to concentrate, state of mind and back pain. It contributes to occupational safety and improves the health of employees.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Porscheplatz 1, Germany-70435 Stuttgart