Neulich im Schifferheim_ Stolpern, Rutschen, Stürzen

Título traducido al inglés

The other day at the Schifferheim_ falling slipping tripping

Película: Duración en minutos

2:52 minutos

Descripción del producto

Series are exciting and captivate countless people. The familiar characters in different and new situations in life make up the series. Accordingly, thyssenkrupp steel Europe has created a series format to inform all employees on various topics. The format is called Neulich im Schifferheim (The other day at the Schifferheim). The employees themselves play the actors and the plots are mainly set in the Schifferheim, a very familiar location on the plant premises. Topics such as tripping, slipping and falling accidents are addressed in the format in an informative and humorous way and discussed in a realistic manner. Given that the actors are internal employees, the video format is well received. The submitted film is about trip, slip and fall accidents. In our company, we had an increased number of tripping, slipping and falling accidents (percentage-wise, over 65% of lost-time accidents were such accidents at that time). In the film, Renate explains to her colleague Jürgen that it is important not to look at the cell phone while walking. It is also explained that tidiness and cleanliness are important to prevent accidents caused by stumbling. At the end of the film, Jürgen is seen addressing a colleague and moving a cable out of the way together with him in order to avoid a tripping accident.

Objetivos y metas

With numerous views of this video, many employees have now been educated on the subject of tripping, slipping, and falling. This video is used in team discussions, at meetings as a safety teaching moment or other occasions, so the number of employees reached is even higher. Between October 2019 and September 2022, a trip, slip and fall campaign, of which this film is a part, reduced the number of trip, slip and fall accidents by 26%. The number of days lost during this period concerning these accidents could be reduced by 29%.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Supervisores y gerentes, Otros (por favor especifique) : Beschäftigte

Corporate trip, slip, fall campaign

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 100, Germany-47166 Duisburg
+4915202121647 - +4915202121647