Demo-Video_Media Festival_VBG-Roadmap_nur Bild
  • Demo-Video_Media Festival_VBG-Roadmap_nur Bild

VBG-Roadmap "Gesund agil arbeiten"

Título traducido al inglés

VBG-Roadmap "Healthy agile working"

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Descripción del producto

The VBG Roadmap "Healthy agile working" is a proven concept designed for promoting health-conscious implementation and continuous improvement of agile work practices. It offers workshop concepts and action recommendations tailored to address various operational issues and challenges. Created for self-guided use within companies, the roadmap allows users to first utilize the "module navigator" to evaluate their company’s current status regarding agile work practices and identify how the roadmap can help improve their approach to healthier agile work. Building on this, users are provided with all essential information and materials they need to implement the workshop concepts.

Objetivos y metas

Agile work practices provide companies the opportunity to flexibly respond to changes in processes, as well as in the development of products and services, enabling quick adaptions. In addition, agile work practices have the potential to promote a healthier work environment. However, they also present challenges that companies must actively address for successful and health-conscious implementation. To fully harness the potential of agile work, this must be well planned, introduced and designed.

Público destinatario

Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Otros (por favor especifique) : Unternehmen und Teams, die agil arbeiten oder agiles Arbeiten einführen wollen

Datos de contacto del editor

Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG)
Massaquoipassage 1 - Sachgebiet Arbeitspsychologie & Individualprävention , Germany-22305 Hamburg
+49 40 5146-2572

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Jedermann-Verlag GmbH
Mittelgewannweg 15, de-69021 Heidelberg
06221 1451-564