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Jeder Überfall ist einer zu viel
Título traducido al inglés
Each robbery is one too many
Película: Duración en minutos
33:18 minutos
Descripción del producto
Introduction "Weaknesses from the perspective of the perpetrator" perpetrator interview Preventive actions / behaviour security Advisor safe robbery with correct behaviour safe robbery with wrong behaviour Cash robbery victim interview After a robbery TERAPON Conclusion / Summary
Objetivos y metas
Preventing robberies through raising awareness and training of employees. In the event of an attack, it depends on the correct behavior of each employee, so that no one gets hurt. For training related to stressful situation, the REWE Group has developed and produced the prevention film "Each robbery is one too many".
Every supermarket robbery is one too many. Because it not only burdens the cash register but also the mental and physical health of the affected employees. REWE Group has therefore developed measures for robbery prevention, as well as emergency aid for those affected and long-term after-care. To prevent robbery, REWE Group - initiated by councils and health manager - developed in cooperation with experts, a security policy for REWE and PENNY markets, ranging from door alarm to surveillance camera. The measures take effect as the "pilot city" Hannover shows: Every market has been fitted, since then no robberies. And if it does happen? Then it depends on the correct behaviour of each employee, so that no one gets hurt. For the training in regard to stressful situations of all PENNY and REWE employees the REWE Group has developed and produced the prevention film "Each robbery is one too many", which is accompanied by a booklet and a checklist. They, too, provide information on correct behaviour as "stay calm" and "do not play the hero", instead memorize "the specific offender characteristics" and call the police immediately after the crime.
Público objetivo
Employees of REWE and PENNY markets
Premios recibidos
Corporate Media-Preis Award of Master 2012
Datos de contacto del editor
REWE-Zentralfinanz eG
Domstr.20, Germany-50668 Köln
49(0)221149 192649(0)221149 9792 inger-marie.sandberg@rewe-group.com www.rewe-group.com
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Mendelssohnstr.17, Germany-40233 Düsseldorf
+49(0)2117337660+49(0)2117331165 udo.goerisch@take-it-media.com