La carie d'Antoine le boulanger

Título traducido al inglés

The carie of Antoine the Baker

Película: Duración en minutos

3:25 minutos

Descripción del producto

Antoine, a young baker, discovers the occupational risks linked to his profession. In this case, it could be a risk of caries.

Objetivos y metas

Encouraging the bakery staff, in particular the younger ones, to adopt good professional measures in order to take care of their oral health, such as tooth brushing three times a day (a special offer after work) and the visit to a dentist every 6 months.

After having carried out two oral prevention campaigns addressed to the bakery staff and thanks to the achieved results, this profession wants to reach the youngest future professionals with a certain action. Thus, in cooperation with the French Union for Oral Care (Union Française pour la Santé Bucco-Dentaire - UFSBD) and with the support of AG2R LA MONDIALE, more than 6,000 apprentices of the bakery trade have received a formation of oral hygiene and 3,672 screenings. This corresponds to 134 visits to CFA and to more than 320 collective education sessions. This campaign has improved the apprentices' oral hygiene: 16% less tooth decay, 49% less gingivitis, 35% less tartar and helping patients with their care has increased fillings by more than 69%. Furthermore, 70% of the apprentices have consulted a dentist.

Público objetivo

All professionals of independent bakery and more precisely the younger ones, the apprentices in the centres for training apprentices.

Campagne de prévention bucco-dentaire en CFA

Premios recibidos

The oral prevention campaign run in small independent bakeries has received the Trophy of mutualist and joint innovation (Trophée de L'innovation Mutualiste et Paritaire) in the category "Risk Prevention" in 2012.

Datos de contacto del editor

boulevard Haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , France-75008 PARIS

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Boulevard Haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , France-75008 PARIS