La recette

Título traducido al inglés

The Recipe

Película: Duración en minutos

4:16 minutos

Descripción del producto

A person arrives in a kitchen looking for the recipe for safety culture! He is shown the cook who has this recipe. Together, they make this recipe by adding one after the other all the ingredients of a delicious safety culture recipe.    

Objetivos y metas

Presentation of our safety management approach, in a global way. The fact of presenting our approach as a recipe to mark the spirits and make our employees retain the important points of our safety approach.  

Fleury Michon is a family-owned food business. Among other things, it produces ready meals. To promote our safety approach internally, we have designed our safety approach as a recipe. This short film was produced in-house by our employees, the two "actors" are in fact a real cook and our safety facilitator.

Público objetivo

All employees of our company

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

BP1, France-85707 pouzauges
0033 251667956 - 0033 678535439