Ladungssicherung im Pkw – Die Heimfahrt / Die Dienstfahrt
Título traducido al inglés
Load security in motorcars – The business trip / the journey home
Película: Duración en minutos
2x05:00 minutos
Descripción del producto
A man is during communication dreaming away. Then he goes to his car, stowes away a bag and a notebook securing the load. Then he remembers something. He pulls the luggage out, is being deflected, closes the tailgate without securing the load again. During braking, the notebook hits him in the back of the head, the man starts up. All just a dream!
Objetivos y metas
Awareness of improperly stored objects in private or company cars.
The film can be used at the end of a seminar or an instruction course along with the request to the participants to make sure that items are neatly placed and secured as possible with tools in the car on their travel back home.
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Público objetivo
Any employee who uses a private or a company car.
Datos de contacto del editor
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V. – DVR
Auguststraße29, Germany-53229 Bonn
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
GWM, Gesellschaft für Weiterbildung und Medienkonzeption mbH, Bonn
Auguststraße29, Germany-53229 Bonn