L'asthme d'Antoine le Boulanger
Título traducido al inglés
Asthma of Antoine the Baker
Película: Duración en minutos
3:55 minutos
Descripción del producto
Antoine, a young baker, discovers the occupational risks linked to his profession. These can be respiratory allergies linked to flour dust.
Objetivos y metas
Encouraging the bakery staff, in particular the younger ones, to adopt good professional measures in order to take care of their health such as nose rinsing.
Given the exposure of employees and company managers in the profession to flour dust, respiratory allergies were naturally chosen as a priority theme in the profession's prevention approach. Because it is possible to treat rhinitis if it is detected early with simple actions such as nose washing, the social partners in the profession wanted to address this risk among the youngest in apprenticeship training centres.
Público objetivo
All professionals of independent bakery and more precisely the younger ones, the apprentices in the centres for training apprentices.
Campagne de prévention aux allergies respiratoires en CFA
Datos de contacto del editor
Boulevard haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , France-75008 PARIS
marine.legoux@ag2rlamondiale.fr www.ag2rlamondiale.fr
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Boulevard Haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , FRANCE-75008 PARIS