Le sommeil : Un allié pour votre santé

Título traducido al inglés

The sleep, an ally for your health

Película: Duración en minutos

2mn29 minutos

Descripción del producto

A video on increasing awareness in motion-design explains professionals in the bakery field the benefits of sound sleep for our health, how it works and which risks are linked to a lack of sleep. It gives advice how to compensate severe sleep deficiency.

Objetivos y metas

Encouraging the craft pastry-making staff, in particular the younger ones, to adopt good professional gestures as well as health practices in order to take good care of one's health.

As the craft pastry-making staff works unusual working hours and as this rhythm can have an impact on their health, the social partners of this profession have decided to launch a national prevention action against sleep disturbances. After having carried out an epidemiological study to detect the signs of sleep disorders (somnolence, respiratory standstill and serious lack of sleep) and implemented the coaching programme u+AE22n, the profession has launched a campaign addressed to the youngest workers in order to raise their awareness about sleep disturbances. A video in motion design has been established to support this profession.

Público objetivo

All professionals of craft pastry-making and more precisely the younger ones, the apprentices in the centres for training apprentices (CFA).


Campagne de prévention des troubles du sommeil

Datos de contacto del editor

boulevard Haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , France-75008 PARIS

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Boulevard Haussmann104-110 - Direction des Accords Collectifs Pôle Alimentaire , France-75008 PARIS