Lindungilah kepala anda

Título traducido al inglés

Protect your head

Película: Duración en minutos

02:04 minutos

Descripción del producto

In Indonesia there are many bikers who don't want to use a helmet, with excuses : no police, close distance ar lazy. Where as cases of severe head injuries caused by traffic accident is high resulting in disability and even death

Objetivos y metas

In order to make everybody/every bikers understand the importance of wearing a helmet

It's easy and inexpensive for production process

Público objetivo

Everybody,specifically all the motorcyclist/bikers in Indonesia and around the world

Datos de contacto del editor

4Life OHS Services
KS Tubun26C, Indonesia-16151 Bogor

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

4Life OHS Services
KS Tubun26C, Indonesia-16151 Bogor