Online-Lernprogramm "Sicher arbeiten - Gesundheit schützen" (2016)
Título traducido al inglés
Online-Lernprogramm "Sicher arbeiten - Gesundheit schützen" (2016)
Película: Duración en minutos
Enlace del producto (http:// o https://)
Descripción del producto
Learning modules for occupational safety issues: fire protection/alarm, first aid, hazardous substances, sitting, standing, lifting and carrying, robbery, health protection, etc. Concept: multimedia-based, interactive, didactic assessment of competences and their increase, with regard to the workplace, responsive (mobile devices)
Objetivos y metas
Occupational safety is simple, is fun and makes sense: "It should always have a good end!"
Application: for companies in order to support their operational instructions
Público objetivo
all those with an occupational insurance, laypersons, managers
Datos de contacto del editor
BGHW (Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik)
Niebuhrstraße5, Germany-D-53113 Bonn
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Nünningstraße 6, Germany-D-45141 Essen