Organspende & Gewebespende einfach erklärt (explainity® Erklärvideo)

Título traducido al inglés

organ donation easily explained (by explainity®)

Película: Duración en minutos

03:41 minutos

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Descripción del producto

The short film explains with a protagonist how organ and tissue donation in Germany are regulated. The short clip was viewed approximately 11,000 times within 2 years via the video platform – in combination with an older short version of the clip even over 35,000 times.

Objetivos y metas

The willingness to donate organs and tissue is a highly personal decision. Education can help to bring about a factually based decision. For this purpose, it is beneficial to know how donation and transplantation are organised.

The short film was developed in the context of the non-commercial explainity education project and adopts an impartial approach to explain how organ and tissue donation proceed. The short clip helps to raise awareness and addresses concerns and worries.

Público objetivo

All audiences

Datos de contacto del editor

explainity GmbH
Am Berge36, Deutschland-21335 Lüneburg

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

explainity GmbH
Am Berge36, Deustchland-21335 Lüneburg