Running Risks

Título traducido al inglés

Running Risks

Película: Duración en minutos

03:30 minutos

Descripción del producto

Andreas has been working for many years as a machine operator in a major food company. The work means much to him and yet – his biggest pride is his little daughter. They both love painting together, up to the day when Andreas reaches carelessly into an operating machine...

Objetivos y metas

Appeal never to reach into operating machines.

Reconstruction of an occupational accident, based on a true story. The film manages to produce a high level of emotional impact in order to enable a change in behavior.

Público objetivo

Internal employees

Datos de contacto del editor

Crane Ashberry Industry Film
Grabenweg3a, Austria-6850 Dornbirn

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Crane Ashberry Industry Film
Grabenweg3a, Austria-6850 Dornbirn