RWE - Vom Winde gedreht
Título traducido al inglés
RWE-Turned by the wind
Película: Duración en minutos
3:57 minutos
Descripción del producto
RWE Innogy builds one of the largest commercial offshore wind parks off the German coast. The wind farm "Nordsee Ost" is built on an area of 24 square kilometers with 48 wind turbines. The wind power plants will generate a total output of 295 megawatts. fact + film documents the pioneering project for RWE Innogy. According to an innovative concept, a series of Internet videos, we have called them "Technosoaps", will inform about the construction progress.
Objetivos y metas
Episode 6 of 11 " Überlebenstraining" - "Survival training"
Público objetivo
Renewable energies, offshore wind farm, construction, employees RWE, larger audience, educational program
Datos de contacto del editor
fact+film Medienproduktions GmbH
Hastedter Osterdeich 222, Germany-28207 Bremen
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Hastedter Osterdeich 222, Germany-28207 Bremen