Sicherheit in Wärmekraftwerken und Heizwerken

Título traducido al inglés

Safety in thermal heat and power plants

Película: Duración en minutos

approx. 50 minutos

Descripción del producto

The film consists of modules covering the following subjects: 1. Corporate responsibility of the power plant 2. Organisational measures 3. Equipment for the operation and maintanance of power plants 4. Working in loading and unloading units 5. Working on parts of the plant under pressure which transport hot media or hazardous substances 6. Driving and works on units of the plant

Objetivos y metas

The film is designed to raise awareness of the target group of the various hazards in power plants. Six film modules provide specific information on safety measures and behaviour in power plants.

Power plants are complex technical installations for the generation of electricity and heat. Almost every conceivable hazard exists in power plants. After the publication of the regulations on "Thermal power stations and heating plants", the BG ETEM and power plant industries were interested in producing a motivation film in order to convey the comprehensive regulatory content. The film can be used in the transmission of the contents of the regualation, e.g. within the framework of instructions.

Público objetivo

Employers as operators of power plants and superiors/chiefs as contractors, representatives of supervisory authorities, safety experts,occupational physicians, safety officers and employees in power plants

Datos de contacto del editor

Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse – BG ETEM
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer130, Germany-51465 Köln
49(0)2213778 616049(0)22137786166

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

@art medienproduktion GmbH & Co. KG
Gottesweg64, Germany-50969 Köln